7 Kidney Stone Pain Relief Tips to Help You Get Through It

Kidney stones are painful and uncomfortable. They can cause severe pain and even kidney damage. If left untreated, they can also pass through the urinary tract and into the bladder or urethra.

Kidney stones are crystalline deposits formed from minerals such as calcium oxalate, uric acid, cystine, phosphate, struvite, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), and occasionally sodium chloride. The formation of these crystals causes inflammation and irritation of the lining of the kidneys, resulting in excruciating pain.

 "Kidney stone pain relief" is a common problem. There are several ways to treat them. Some methods include medication, surgery, and natural remedies.

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1) Check with your health care provider 

Don't take pain medications that haven't been prescribed by a medical professional because they might aggravate your kidney stones. Drink plenty of fluids and make sure you urinate. 

You can also use heat pads and hot water bottles on your back or abdomen, since the kidneys are located near the back of the body. If the pain is severe, contact your doctor right away to find out what the next steps will be and schedule an appointment with nephrologists in Coimbatore.

2) Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids is a great way to prevent kidney stones. Drink at least 3 liters of water per day, drink 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice and eat 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen raspberries everyday. 

Avoid caffeine, acidic foods like citrus fruits, and alcohol. Avoiding these things may help avoid developing kidney stones in the first place. 

If you are experiencing kidney stone pain, there are a few things you can do at home to help ease the discomfort. Drink plenty of fluids, including water, cranberry juice, and lemonade. Taking over-the-counter pain medication can also help. 

Kidney stone pain relief tips

3) Take over-the-counter medications

Kidney stones are painful and can cause serious health problems. If you suffer from them, you should seek kidney specialist immediately. But what if you don't want to go through surgery or other invasive procedures? There are several natural remedies that can relieve pain and prevent future attacks.

Kidney stones are tiny crystals that form inside the kidneys. They can block the flow of urine and cause severe pain. Kidney stone sufferers often experience nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and back pain.

In more severe cases and if the discomfort is not being relieved by other treatments in less than 24 hours, seek medical care immediately for possible kidney stone removal.

4) Contact your healthcare provider if the pain doesn't improve after 24 hours

If the pain doesn't improve after 24 hours, contact your healthcare provider. There are kidney stones in men and kidney stones caused by certain medical conditions. Preventing them is not always possible but the nephrologists in Coimbatore can remove them.  Talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes that may help you avoid kidney stones.

5) Change positions frequently

A common kidney stone pain relief tip is changing positions frequently, which is a good idea. This will help the stone pass more easily and should reduce the pain. 

You may want to try sitting in a hot bath for 15-20 minutes, which can be soothing for the pain. 

A cold pack can also work to relieve kidney pain, especially if you hold it on your back. 

Drinking plenty of fluids and eating plenty of high-fiber foods are other helpful measures that can prevent kidney stones from forming.

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6) Rest until the intense pain stops or decreases in intensity

Kidney stones are painful, and they often require hospitalization. If you experience severe pain from a kidney stone, you may want to take time off from work. But what if you don’t have time off? Should you go back to work immediately? Or should you wait until the pain has subsided?

Some doctors recommend waiting at least three days before returning to work, while others say it’s okay to return sooner. The decision depends on several factors, such as whether you have other health issues, how bad the pain is, and how much time you have to recover.

7) Change the diet slightly

There are also many kidney stone pain relief tips that can be done at home, such as drinking plenty of fluids and taking over-the-counter pain medication. One of the most important kidney stone treatment tips is to change your diet. This can help with prevention of stones and with reducing the severity of them when they do come up.

Take Away

There are many ways to find relief from kidney stones, and the best method depends on the severity of the pain. For mild pain, over-the-counter pain relievers can be effective. For more severe pain, medical intervention may be necessary. In either case, it is important to stay hydrated and to avoid foods that can contribute to kidney stones.
