Health Screening Packages at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital – Get a Head Start on Staying Healthy!

Health screenings are essential to keeping up with your health, especially as you age and your risk of illness increases. By finding out which screenings you need and scheduling them at least once every year, you can keep yourself on track to be healthy and ready to manage the illnesses that do pop up. Sri Ramakrishna Hospital offers several different health screening packages designed to help you get a head start on staying healthy!

What to Expect on Health Checkup?

If you are planning to avail of the health checkup packages offered by Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, here is what you can expect. The hospital offers different types of health packages, such as the best health packages for ENT, liver function test, diabetes screening package, and heart checkup package and also for kids.

Depending on the package you avail of, the tests and procedures included in the package may vary. However, all health packages include a physical examination and some form of laboratory testing. Some of the more comprehensive packages also include X-rays and other imaging tests.

Why get your blood pressure checked?

Your blood pressure is a measure of the force against your artery walls as your heart pumps blood through your body. If this pressure gets too high, it can damage your arteries and lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. That’s why it’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

And there’s no better place to do it than at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, where we offer the best health packages for ENT, liver function tests, diabetes screening, and heart checkups. So come on down and get a head start on staying healthy!

Some of the important health packages in Sri Ramakrishna Hospital are as follows;

Cardiac Package in Coimbatore

Sri Ramakrishna Hospital in Coimbatore offers a wide range of health screening packages, including a diabetes screening package and heart checkup package. Both of these packages are designed to help you get a head start on staying healthy. The diabetes screening package includes tests for blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides. 

The heart checkup package includes an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (Echo), and stress test. If you're interested in either of these packages, please contact our hospital for more information.

Heart Checkup in Coimbatore

Liver Checkup in Coimbatore

Sri Ramakrishna Hospital in Coimbatore offers liver function tests as part of their health screening packages. This is a great way to get a head start on staying healthy, as it can help detect any problems early on. 

The liver carries out a number of important functions, including digestion. It helps turn food into energy so that our bodies can work properly. If we don't get enough nutrients or vitamins from our diet, our liver starts breaking down body tissue to produce them. 

A liver function test lets us know how well the liver is working so that we can take steps towards living healthier lives now while also avoiding problems in the future!

ENT Package in Coimbatore

At Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, we offer a comprehensive ENT package that helps you get a head start on staying healthy. This package includes a consultation with an ENT specialist, an audiometry test, and a nasal endoscopy. 

They also provide follow-up consultations to ensure that your condition is being monitored and treated properly Their goal is to provide you with the best health packages for ENT so that you can live a healthy and happy life.

Comprehensive Health Checkup for Elders

As we age, it becomes even more important to take care of our health. That’s why Sri Ramakrishna Hospital offers a comprehensive health checkup package for elders. This package includes tests for common conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as cancer screenings. 

Getting these tests done regularly can help catch problems early, when they’re easier to treat. So don’t wait – make an appointment today and get a head start on staying healthy!

Premium Check in Coimbatore

What happens after you complete your health checkup?

We all know the importance of getting a regular health checkup. But what happens after you complete your health checkup? Do you just go home and forget about it? No way! Now that you know your current health status, it's time to take action to improve your health. Here are some things you can do

SRH Quick Health

It is important to take care of your health as you age.

As you age, your risk for developing chronic health conditions increases. Regular health screenings can help catch problems early, when they are easier to treat. Sri Ramakrishna Hospital offers several different health screening packages designed to help you stay healthy as you age. 

There are some factors to consider when planning your healthcare. First make a list of things you need in your care. The kind of care you'll need (personal, skilled), the amount of time you'll need the care and if you have a family member/caregiver who'll be taking care of you. Adding up these will provide an idea as to what kind of health plan you may require.

Health packages in Coimbatore
