How does physiotherapy work?
Physiotherapy is a method of rehabilitation that uses the action of physical stimuli on the body in order to restore its efficiency. It includes methods such as kinesiotherapy, therapeutic massage and physical therapy. It is worth knowing what these treatment methods are all about, as well as what effects modern physical therapy treatments provide and in what situations they are used.
What is physiotherapy and how does it relate to rehabilitation?
Physiotherapy is the name of a branch of clinical medicine that uses various forms of energy to heal, rehabilitate, and prevent medical conditions. It is most often used in the context of rehabilitation, a broadly understood process aimed at restoring the condition and physical fitness of the patient.
Rehabilitation is directed in particular to people after injuries , e.g. fractures, sprains, sprains, in order to improve the patient's efficiency and comfort of life, as well as to people preparing for various types of surgical procedures , e.g. arthroscopy of the knee joint or endoprosthetics.
It also provides comprehensive support for people with physical and mental disabilities. Explore the physical rehabilitation center in Coimbatore to get more about the injury procedures.
Rehabilitation consists of three main areas
Kinesiotherapy - treatment with the use of movement and gymnastics. It is based on movement exercises, which, in order to increase the therapeutic effect, are often supplemented with other forms of treatment, e.g. manual therapy.
Therapeutic massage - a set of techniques that, when used in the right order, have a significant impact on human tissues.
Physical therapy - influencing the body with various physical stimuli, both from natural sources and those produced by special devices.
Physiotherapy itself derives from natural medicine practiced since the earliest times and defines methods whose effectiveness and safety have been scientifically proven and, on this basis, significantly developed.
Physiotherapy may be an independent method of treatment or supplement pharmacotherapy and surgery. It can also be the basis for rehabilitation and disease prevention.
In other words, physical therapy is non-specific treatment with physical stimuli to restore balance to the body
Types of physiotherapy treatments and their effects
The methods used in physiotherapy are classified as natural healing methods for two reasons: they act on the natural or physiological mechanisms of homeostasis (i.e. the body's internal balance), and they are a natural component of the external environment.
Various synonyms for physiotherapy are found in the literature, such as physiatria , physical therapy , physical medicine or physical therapy . As the physiotherapist explains, all these concepts are derived from the same word "physis" in Greek, which means nature, nature, while "therapeia" means treatment. Visit the best physiotherapy clinic in Coimbatore for receiving proper therapies.
The most important physical treatments include:
Electrotherapy, i.e. electrotherapy - uses various types of currents of varying intensity: direct current, medium frequency, high frequency and currents of varying frequencies. Their main task is to relieve pain and improve the blood supply to tissues that are currently being stimulated. Thanks to this, the treatments reduce muscle tension, accelerate tissue regeneration and the absorption of edema. The indications for using this method are chronic and acute pains in the spine , discopathies, neuralgia, degenerative diseases of the joints, sciatica, conditions after fractures, as well as various types of edema.
Magnet Therapy - treatments use the healing effect of the magnetic field, which penetrates deep into the body and thus reaches every cell. By affecting the structures of cell membranes, it makes it easier for oxygen and nutrients to enter cells. Treatments accelerate tissue regeneration, have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The main indications for magnetic field treatments are osteoporosis , conditions after bone fractures and injuries, arterial hypertension, rheumatism and skin diseases.
Laser therapy - the essence of this method is to act on a specific area of the body with a beam of polarized radiation in such a way that its absorption, i.e. absorption, is effective. There are 3 different groups of lasers: low-energy (1-6 mW); medium energy (power 7-500 mW); high energy (> 500mW). The task of laser therapy is to alleviate inflammation, accelerate and optimize the healing of wounds and ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds, treatment of overload diseases (e.g. Achilles tendonitis , tennis elbow, pain syndromes in the lumbar region), and also accelerate the healing of bone fractures.
Ultrasound treatments - they use mechanical vibrations with a frequency higher than 20,000. Hz. In rehabilitation, those in the range from 0.8 to 3 MHz are used. During treatments with the use of ultrasound, there is a thermal effect (the tissues are heated up) and deep tissue micromassage. They have an analgesic effect, dilate blood vessels, reduce muscle tension, inhibit inflammatory processes, and also affect body fluids - they accelerate tissue absorption. They allow to heal, among others Heel spurs or degenerative diseases of the joints and the spine reduce lymphatic edema, scars and hematomas.
Cryotherapy, i.e. cold treatment - consists in significantly reducing the temperature of a given area on the body. It consists of two stages. In the first of them (cold therapy stage), blood flow and metabolism are slowed down. In the next stage, the blood vessels dilate rapidly, which makes the blood flow more dynamic.
As a consequence, inflammation is reduced, pain is significantly reduced, tissue metabolism is accelerated, edema is reduced and well-being is improved. The indications for this type of treatment include inflammation of the muscles and tendons, postoperative injuries, gout , painful shoulder syndrome, torn tendons and muscle damage, as well as hematomas and edema.
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